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Lazaro Yoshioka's blog ::Los Angeles DUI Attorneys - What You Desire to Know!

Lazaro Yoshioka's blog ::Los Angeles DUI Attorneys - What You Desire to Know!

"Would               U               Like               Fries"               with               your               DUI               arrest?

Following               the               lead               of               Canada's               Royal               Canadian               Mounted               Police,               the               Pima               County               Sheriff's               Department               is               planning               Operation               WULF,               a               new               anti               drunk               driving               campaign.

In               cooperation               with               local               fast               food               restaurants,               an               undercover               police               officer               will               work               the               inside,               looking               for               signs               of               impairment.

If               they               see               red,               blurry               eyes,               slurring               of               speech,               or               beer               breath,               they               then               notify               the               hidden               officer               outside,               who               pulls               them               over               for               a               sobriety               check.

$128,000               in               grant               money,               issued               by               the               Governor's               Office               of               Highway               Safety.

Various               fast               food               restaurants               around               town,               with               24               hour               drive               through.
               My               vote?

It               works.
               I               don't               know               about               the               legalities,               in               fact               several               defense               lawyers               around               town               are               already               looking               forward               to               trying               these               cases.
               But               I               can               see               it               accomplishing               a               lot               of               good.

I've               worked               fast               food,               so               I've               seen               the               late               night               drinkers               roll               through,               not               even               sober               enough               to               order               a               cheeseburger,               much               less               drive.

Two               a.m.

rolls               around,               and               the               drive               thrus               are               packed               with               people               trying               to               soak               up               their               alcohol.

I've               seen               people               order               and               forget               their               change,               order               and               go               crazy               at               the               window               when               they               realize               they               have               no               money               left.

One               memorable               time,               in               high               school,               I               saw               a               man               so               trashed               he               ran               up               on               the               curb               and               hit               a               sign.

The               manager               called               the               police,               and               while               taking               off               he               ran               right               into               another               car               on               the               street.

Luckily,               no               one               was               hurt.

This               would               have               prevented               all               of               that.
               Some               restaurant               owners               such               as               Mike               Herndon               and               Tom               O'Conner               (owners               of               Burger               King               and               Eeegee's               respectively)               criticized               the               move,               calling               it               "fishing"               and               "too               much               like               Big               Brother".
               I               say,               who               cares.
               According               to               www.alcoholalert.com               :
               In               2006,               there               were               13,470               fatalities               in               crashes               involving               an               alcohol-impaired               driver               (BAC               of               .08               or               higher)               -               32               percent               of               total               traffic               fatalities               for               the               year.
               16,005               people               were               killed               in               the               United               States               in               alcohol-related*               motor               vehicle               traffic               crashes               (BAC               of               .01               or               higher).
               In               2006,               1,794               children               age               14               and               younger               were               killed               in               motor               vehicle               crashes.

Of               those               1,794               fatalities,               306               (17%)               occurred               in               alcohol-impaired               driving               crashes.

Children               riding               in               vehicles               with               drivers               who               had               a               BAC               level               of               .08               or               higher               accounted               for               half               (153)               of               these               deaths.
               Drunk               drivers               have               killed               5864               people               so               far               this               year               alone               (as               of               June               14th,               2009).
               In               2006,               39%               of               Arizona               fatalities               were               alcohol               related.
               Defense               attorney               Joseph               St.

Louis               states,               "I've               been               practicing               law               21               years,               and               I've               done               in               excess               of               200               DUI               cases,               and               I               can               think               of               one               that               occurred               at               a               fast-food               restaurant."
               However,               how               many               of               those               DUI               drivers               may               have               stopped               for               food               before               they               got               pulled               over,               or               worse,               killed               or               injured               someone               themselves?
               If               you               can               prevent               people               from               dying               or               being               injured               by               observing               them               at               a               public               restaurant,               I               see               no               violation               of               rights,               or               anything               like               big               brother.

The               only               people               who               should               be               worried               are               those               that               drink               and               drive.

Maybe               this               will               deter               someone               from               getting               behind               the               wheel               after               having               "just               a               few               drinks."
               Read               the               full               article               at               http://www.azstarnet.com/metro/296960

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dui lawyers in arizona

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