2013년 10월 27일 일요일

Lazaro Yoshioka's blog ::... a medical condition, her lawyers argued Thursday. The...cosmetic and not medically necessary. [AZ/FL, USA] Ex-Largo Official May...the city manager's job in the Phoenix suburb of Tempe. [USA] Friday...

Lazaro Yoshioka's blog ::... a medical condition, her lawyers argued Thursday. The...cosmetic and not medically necessary. [AZ/FL, USA] Ex-Largo Official May...the city manager's job in the Phoenix suburb of Tempe. [USA] Friday...

Thursday,               February               18,               2010;               Phoenix,               Arizona.

Law               Enforcement               suspect               Tammi               Smith               in               the               case               of               missing               nine-month-old               Gabriel               Johnson               pleaded               'Not               Guilty'               to               felony               counts               'Forgery'               and               'Conspiracy               to               Commit               Custodial               Interference'               in               an               Original               Arraignment               Hearing               at               Maricopa               County               Superior               Court.

Smith               was               arrested               and               jailed               on               February               2;               she               was               freed               on               February               3               when               husband               Jack               Smith               posted               her               $15,000               bond.

Gabriel               Johnson               was               taken               by               his               mother,               Elizabeth               Johnson,               from               Tempe               Arizona               to               San               Antonio               Texas               in               December               2009.

Johnson               reneged               her               claim               to               the               father,               Logan               McQueary,               that               she               had               killed               their               infant               son               and               dumped               his               body.

She               claimed               instead               that               she               had               given               Gabriel               to               a               couple               in               a               park.

Since               then,               some               evidence               points               to               her               having               sold               him.

Johnson               is               held               in               Maricopa               County               Estrella               Jail               on               four               felony               counts               including               kidnapping               and               child               abuse               and               on               a               $1.1               million               cash-only               bond.

McQueary               is               searching               for               Gabriel               in               Texas               even               as               San               Antonio               investigators               continue               a               landfill               search               for               a               body.
               Tammi               Smith,               who               had               once               hoped               to               adopt               Gabriel               has               retained               high               profile               attorney               Michael               D.


Her               representative               today               from               his               law               firm               Kimerer               &               Derrick,               P.C.

was               Amy               L.

Nguyen,               who               joined               the               firm               as               an               associate               attorney               in               2004               and               whose               practice               is               devoted               to               Criminal               Defense               in               State               and               Federal               courts.

The               law               firm               is               famous               for               numerous               high-profile               cases               that               include               Chapman,               Milke,               and               'Sleepwalking'               Falater.
               Smith               was               quiet               upon               leaving               the               courtroom               today               as               she               fulfilled               her               attorney's               directive               that               she               be               silent.

However,               attorney               Amy               Nguyen               made               the               comment               that               they               [the               law               firm]               do               not               know               why               Smith               has               been               charged.

"We               know               it               has               nothing               to               do               with               the               disappearance               of               Baby               Gabriel,"               Nguyen               said.

"It's               all               speculation               at               this               point.

We               haven't               been               given               any               information               by               the               State."
               Kimerer               had               told               the               news               media               after               the               Tempe               police               press               conference               held               following               Smith's               arrest               on               February               2               that               he               didn't               even               know               what               Smith               had               been               charged               with.
               The               Forgery               charge               seems               to               be               a               black-and-white               issue.

Smith               confessed               to               writing               in               her               cousin's               name               on               Johnson's               Paternity               Petition.

Yet,               extenuating               circumstances               may               come               out               as               Gabriel's               story               unfolds.
               Regarding               the               'Conspiracy               to               Commit               Custodial               Interference',               This               too               will               have               to               unfold-with               full               information.

Right               now,               there               is               a               she-said               he-said               situation               between               Tammi               Smith               and               Logan               McQueary               regarding               what               went               on               regarding               the               possible               adoption               of               baby               Gabriel               by               Smith               and               her               husband.

Attorney               Amy               Nguyen               told               the               news               media               that               Tammi               Smith               is               'anxious               to               get               it               behind               her'.
               While               a               host               of               companies               are               helping               to               fund               a               San               Antonio               landfill               search,               nonprofit               organization               Jessica's               Law               has               offered               to               help               fund               McQueary's               search               expenses-also               funded               by               The               Gabriel               Johnson               Trust               Fund,               which               will               also               be               used               to               increase               the               $5,000               reward               for               Baby               Gabriel's               safe               return.

McQueary's               expenses               include               hotel               accommodations,               gas               for               his               truck,               and               the               cost               of               printing               the               'Missing'               flyers               that               he               and               his               cousins               are               passing               out               everywhere               they               go.
               Jessica's               Law               is               holding               a               three-day               fundraiser               at               Manny's               Mexican               &               American               Restaurant               in               Avondale,               Arizona               this               weekend.

The               dates               are               February               19-21,               Friday-Sunday.

There               will               be               live               music,               dancing,               and               dining.

A               raffle               for               a               football               autographed               by               ex-Arizona               Cardinal               quarterback               Kurt               Warner               is               planned               for               Saturday.

Manny's               is               at               12345               West               Indian               School               Rd.
               If               you               would               like               to               make               a               donation-which               will               fund               McQueary's               search               as               well               as               increase               the               reward               money               for               Gabriel-stop               in               at               any               Bank               of               America               branch               and               give               to               The               Gabriel               Johnson               Trust,               account               #457015122018.

You               can               mail               donations               here:               The               Gabriel               Johnson               Trust               /               Attn:               Sheryl               Carnes               /               Bank               of               America               /               1030               Willow               Creek               Rd.

/               Prescott,               AZ               86301
               If               you               have               seen               Baby               Gabriel               or               know               where               he               might               be,               please               submit               your               tip               to               jjarmes/babygabriel.

And/or               call               1-800-THE               LOST.

(Sources:               ArizonaCentral;               MyFoxPhoenix;               TheFirmThatCares)

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