2013년 11월 1일 금요일

Lazaro Yoshioka's blog ::...revolution’ after another. It can be no surprise that American politics... become so unbalanced now. The experience of local governance...average citizens’ know best how to change their own polity, the...

Lazaro Yoshioka's blog ::...revolution’ after another. It can be no surprise that American politics... become so unbalanced now. The experience of local governance...average citizens’ know best how to change their own polity, the...

It               may               be               a               difficult               process               sometimes               to               know               how               to               choose               the               best               retail               location               for               your               business.

You               may               be               wondering               how               to               tell               which               is               the               right               best               retail               location               for               your               business.

Here               are               ten               tips               on               how               to               choose               the               best               retail               location.


How               many               of               your               competitors               in               the               same               area               as               the               retail               location               that               you               are               interested               in?

If               there               is               any               competitors               around               the               local               area               location               then               you               don't               want               to               move               there.

You               want               a               retail               location               that               isn't               near               any               of               your               competitors.

Is               the               retail               location               the               right               area               for               your               company?

Depending               upon               what               type               of               company               it               is               and               what               products               that               you               sell               or               services               that               you               offer.

You               need               to               have               your               company               in               a               retail               location               that               does               surround               other               companies               that               would               attract               customers               that               would               also               be               interested               in               visiting               your               company               too.

Is               the               retail               location               large               enough               for               the               company?

This               is               important               since               you               don't               want               to               run               out               of               space               for               products.

You               want               enough               room               for               your               inventory.

You               want               to               make               sure               to               get               a               location               space               bigger               than               what               you               usually               need               so               the               company               has               room               to               expand               the               inventory.

Does               the               retail               location               has               any               issues               with               the               landlord?

Does               the               location               always               needs               new               renters               every               few               months?

Make               sure               that               the               place               that               you               decide               to               have               a               lease               at               for               retail               location               does               manage               to               keep               enough               other               companies               around               in               the               complex               long               enough.

You               don't               want               to               rent               a               place               where               companies               are               always               moving               out               constantly.

Does               the               landlord               require               the               every               business               in               the               complex               to               have               a               certain               hours               of               operation               each               day?

Be               careful               about               this.

You               don't               want               to               get               stuck               in               a               shopping               mall               or               other               complex               outlet               that               requires               each               business               to               stay               open               a               certain               amount               of               hours               each               week.

Don't               move               into               a               location               that               requires               your               business               to               stay               open               a               certain               amount               of               hours               each               week               since               it               will               cost               your               company               more               money.

Is               the               price               reasonable               for               the               location?

Is               it               price               affordable               each               month?

Take               this               into               consideration.

You               don't               want               your               company               to               end               up               paying               more               money               each               month               for               a               retail               location               when               you               might               not               be               able               to               afford               it.

Be               careful               and               make               sure               to               stay               in               a               price               range               that               is               affordable.

Do               you               like               the               terms               of               the               lease?

Is               the               lease               reasonable?

Make               sure               to               read               the               lease               carefully.

Always               have               a               lawyer               look               at               a               lease               before               you               sign               it.

Make               sure               that               the               deposit               amounts               are               reasonable.

You               don't               want               to               get               stuck               in               a               long               term               lease               just               in               case               the               complex               building               has               major               issues               such               as               health               codes               violations.

Do               you               like               the               color               of               the               walls?

It               is               important               that               you               like               the               color               of               the               walls               and               the               outside               of               the               building               that               you               would               signing               a               lease               to               move               into.

You               want               to               be               impressed               with               the               place               that               you               having               your               business               move               into.

Is               the               location               in               a               good               part               of               the               city?

Make               sure               that               your               business               location               is               in               a               good               part               of               the               city.

You               will               generate               more               sales               when               your               business               is               located               in               a               good               part               of               the               city.

You               will               generate               more               traffic               from               customers               in               the               higher               income               range               in               the               good               part               of               the               city.

Is               there               enough               parking               for               customers?

Take               this               into               consideration.

Is               the               building               easy               to               drive               to?

Make               sure               your               business               is               in               a               easy               location               for               everyone               to               drive               to               without               having               to               deal               with               a               ton               of               traffic.

Is               the               parking               lot               in               good               condition?

This               is               important               since               you               want               customers               to               have               a               happy               time               when               visiting               your               company.

Image of how to be the best lawyer

how to be the best lawyer
how to be the best lawyer

how to be the best lawyer Image 1

how to be the best lawyer
how to be the best lawyer

how to be the best lawyer Image 2

how to be the best lawyer
how to be the best lawyer

how to be the best lawyer Image 3

how to be the best lawyer
how to be the best lawyer

how to be the best lawyer Image 4

how to be the best lawyer
how to be the best lawyer

how to be the best lawyer Image 5

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