2013년 11월 1일 금요일

Lazaro Yoshioka's blog ::The bankruptcy warning signs for America are the same as for individuals or small businesses

Lazaro Yoshioka's blog ::The bankruptcy warning signs for America are the same as for individuals or small businesses

Phoenix               Mayor               Phil               Gordon               -               a               Democrat               -               is               coming               under               fire               from               people               in               Phoenix,               from               within               Arizona,               and               from               across               the               country               for               ordering               his               police               officers               to               check               the               legal               status               of               criminals               after               they've               committed               a               crime.

But               what's               so               wrong               about               that?

The               story               began               on               September               18th,               2007               as               Phoenix               Police               Officer               Nick               Erfle               was               shot               in               the               face               and               killed               by               an               illegal               alien               from               Mexico.

The               Mexican               national               was               apprehended               for               jay               walking               and               obstructing               traffic.

Then,               he               gave               the               wrong               "fake               name"               to               police,               one               that               had               an               outstanding               arrest               warrant.
               After               murdering               Officer               Erfle,               the               suspect               then               carjacked               a               vehicle,               and               took               the               female               driver               as               a               hostage.

It               took               police               an               hour               to               track               down               and               box               in               the               suspect's               vehicle.

Once               trapped,               the               suspect               then               pointed               his               weapon               at               the               head               of               the               hostage,               at               which               point               an               officer               opened               fire               and               shot               and               killed               the               suspect.
               It's               terrible               enough               that               criminals               such               as               this,               so               heinous               as               to               murder               a               an               officer               of               the               law,               exist               in               the               United               States;               but               this               one               didn't               have               any               right               to               be               here.

It               was               later               discovered               that               the               suspect               has               a               felony               record               and               was               deported               in               2006.

He               then               crossed               the               border               illegally               to               reenter               the               United               States.
               Being               called               into               question               is               Phoenix               Police               Operation               Order               1.4.

The               order,               that               Mayor               Gordon               said               was               "written               for               another               time,"               calls               for               police               to               refrain               from               reporting               Mexican               nationals               who               are               in               this               country               illegally               to               either               federal               or               state               immigration               officials               if               the               crime               committed               was               a               misdemeanor               and               the               criminal               meets               "cite               and               release"               criteria,               if               the               crime               was               a               minor               traffic               violation,               or               if               the               only               crime               committed               was               a               federal               immigration               violation.
               Critics               of               the               order               have               called               it               "catch               and               release"               and               that               it               is               tantamount               to               "don't               ask,               don't               tell,"               saying               that               the               policy               has               made               Phoenix               a               sanctuary               city.
               Mayor               Gordon               has               ordered               a               four               man               panel               consisting               of               two               former               US               attorneys,               a               former               Arizona               state               attorney               general,               and               a               former               Maricopa               County               attorney               to               develop               a               new               order               that               will               more               strongly               enforce               immigration               law.

The               deadline               given               by               the               mayor               is               December               31st.
               Gordon               blames               the               federal               government's               failures               on               his               imminent               need               to               take               action.

"The               problem               has               escalated               to               where               it               is               ugly,               it               is               dangerous,"               he               said.

The               federal               government               is               unable               to               complete               what               they               should               be               doing,               and               I               cannot,               as               mayor,               allow               the               situation,               the               status               quo,               to               stay               the               same."
               Critics               have               called               the               mayor's               plan               to               change               the               immigration               policy               "terrorism               against               immigrants."               However,               immigrants               are               not               being               targeted,               not               in               the               slightest               bit.

The               only               change               that               Gordon               is               asking               to               be               made               is               that               police               officers               be               allowed               to               check               the               legal               status               of               a               person               who               is               a               criminal               suspect.
               One               activist,               Elias               Bermudez,               is               a               popular               Spanish-language               radio               host               and               Hispanic               community               leader.

He               says               that               he               will               advise               his               listeners               to               do               the               most               dangerous               thing               that               any               person               can               do               when               they               are               suspected               of               committing               a               crime;               to               not               cooperate               with               police               -               the               exact               opposite               of               what               anyone               should               do               when               being               instructed               to               comply               by               an               officer.
               "My               message               is               please               do               not               answer               the               question:               'Are               you               here               legally               or               not?'"               Bermudez               says.

"That               question               has               to               be               answered               in               a               court               of               law               and               under               the               due               process               of               law,"               though               once               detained,               Mexican               citizens               illegally               in               the               country               will               still               have               a               right               to               a               fair               and               speedy               trial.

Bermudez,               and               others               who               share               his               sentiment,               are               accomplishing               nothing               other               than               to               put               American               citizens,               immigrants               the               United               States,               and               Mexican               nations               into               harm's               way               by               combating               police               when               they               are               suspected               of               having               committed               a               crime.
               Of               course,               the               tragic               death               of               Officer               Erfle               isn't               really               the               beginning               of               this               story.

It               has               been               an               ongoing               tale               of               human               trafficking               and               drug               smuggling               through               a               porous               border.

It's               the               account               of               countless               American               kids               who               were               killed               by               or               who               used               drugs               send               to               America               over               the               Mexican               border.

It's               the               continuing               saga               of               uninsured               Mexican               nationals               driving               dangerous               vehicles               on               Phoenix               highways               and               causing               thousands               of               accidents,               though               they               don't               have               insurance.

It's               the               plight               of               hospitals               on               the               border               of               bankruptcy               for               treating               so               many               Mexican               citizens               who               have               no               medical               insurance               and               to               intention               of               ever               paying               hospital               bills.

It's               the               story               of               a               Mexican               father               lifting               his               seven               year               old               son               over               neighborhood               walls               to               see               if               there's               anything               in               people's               backyards               that               can               be               easily               taken.

It's               loud               and               leaky               pickup               trucks               that               tear               through               neighborhoods               at               night,               and               leave               nothing               but               trails               of               oil               and               rows               of               dumped               out               and               torn               up               garbage               bags,               the               contents               laying               scattered               in               yards               and               streets               after               being               rummaged               through               for               the               slightest               of               trinkets.

It's               an               endless               battle               that               no               one               is               winning               and               everyone               is               losing.
               If               Mayor               Gordon's               plan               makes               any               progress               in               the               fight               against               illegal               immigration,               for               the               first               time               in               my               life               I'll               be               proud               to               have               voted               for               him.

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