2013년 11월 1일 금요일

Lazaro Yoshioka's blog ::Jacksonville TX city manager’s wife gets DUI. Vote for Prop 13 again

Lazaro Yoshioka's blog ::Jacksonville TX city manager’s wife gets DUI. Vote for Prop 13 again

               In               2009,               it               was               estimated               that               over               10,000               lives               were               lost               due               to               drunk               driving.

Alcohol-impaired               driving               crashes               contributed               up               to               32%               of               all               traffic               deaths               nationwide.

Every               50               minutes,               one               more               death               occurs               due               to               the               drinking               and               driving.

In               the               same               year,               Washington               State               alone               lost               206               lives               due               to               alcohol-impaired               driving.

The               amount               of               injuries               and               deaths               involved               has               stressed               the               importance               of               the               tight               measures               and               penalties               for               DUI               charges.
               What               are               Possible               DUI               Penalties?
               In               Washington,               a               DUI               charge               is               usually               categorized               as               a               gross               misdemeanor.

For               such               charges,               the               maximum               DUI               penalties               that               could               be               imposed               upon               someone               are               up               to               364               days               in               jail               and               a               fine               of               $5000.

The               degree               of               the               punishment               depends               on               an               individual's               crime               history               and               the               Blood               Alcohol               Content               (BAC).

DUI               penalties               may               include               jail               time               or               Electronic               Home               Monitoring               (EMC),               fines               and               fees,               loss               of               license,               probation,               alcohol/drug               assessment,               and               the               ignition               interlock               device               (a               device               that               prevents               the               ignition               of               a               vehicle               if               the               driver's               BAC               is               over               .025).

Felony               charges               and               more               severe               DUI               penalties               might               be               given               under               certain               circumstances.
               What               Can               a               DUI               Attorney               Do               For               Me?
               Not               everyone               knows               a               lot               about               law,               especially               state               DUI               laws.

First,               DUI               lawyers               can               give               you               more               information               about               your               case.

Second,               experienced               DUI               lawyers               may               be               able               to               get               your               case               dismissed.

Third,               they               make               sure               the               procedures               involved               with               your               DUI               charges               are               properly               executed.

Any               mistakes               or               errors               found               can               be               used               to               help               you               win               your               case.

Fourth,               since               DUI               attorneys               have               developed               special               relationships               with               courts               and               the               Department               of               Motor               Vehicle               (DMV),               they               can               reduce               DUI               penalties               or               make               the               penalties               more               tolerable               by               suggesting               penalty               alternatives.

For               example,               work               service               instead               of               jail               time.

Finally,               a               DUI               lawyer               can               help               you               with               more               complicated               cases.

If               you               committed               a               DUI               related               vehicular               assault               or               homicide,               it               is               highly               recommended               that               you               hire               a               DUI               attorney.
               How               Much               Does               a               DUI               Attorney               Charge?
               Most               DUI               attorneys               do               not               charge               for               the               first               consultation.

During               this               first               consultation,               you               can               ask               for               the               overall               cost               for               representation.

Make               sure               to               set               aside               an               extra               amount               of               money,               in               case               extra               fees               occur               during               the               hearing.

Even               if               you               are               uncertain               whether               or               not               you               wish               to               hire               a               DUI               attorney,               it               would               still               be               beneficial               to               gain               some               insights               on               your               charge               from               an               expert.
               If               you               are               considering               hiring               a               lawyer,               there               are               two               types               of               payments:               flat               rate               fees               or               hourly               billing.

Most               people               prefer               the               flat               rate               because               they               know               the               exact               amount               of               fees               they               need               to               set               aside.

However,               if               your               case               does               not               go               to               trial,               you               are               paying               the               same               amount               as               others               who               are               going               to               trial.

For               first               time               offenders               who               intend               to               plead               guilty,               the               flat               rate               fees               are               between               $500-1200               or               more.

Repeated               offenders               should               expect               $1500-$5000               flat               rate.

There               is               also               an               option               of               "Tiered               Flat               Fees"               or               flat               fees               that               are               divided               flat               fees               into               different               stages.
               Hourly               billing               allows               you               to               pay               precisely               for               the               service               you               get,               but               you               have               much               less               control               over               the               total               cost.

Hourly               billing               varies               between               $100-$300               per               hour.
               If               your               case               goes               to               trial,               the               total               cost               can               vary               from               $2000-$25000,               either               flat               rate               or               hourly.
               If               you               are               concerned               financially,               discuss               with               your               DUI               attorney               about               financing               options.

Some               would               offer               credit               payments               or               discounts.

You               can               also               ask               the               court               to               provide               you               an               attorney               at               the               government               expense.

You               can               also               try               getting               a               private               DUI               attorney               to               work               on               the               case               for               free,               but               such               opportunities               are               hard               to               come               by.

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